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Comodo has one of the most extensive Rootkey portfolios, trusted by over 99.9% of all browsers

99.9% of Internet users inherently trust Comodo Certificates! Our Root is trusted by over 99.9% of all current browsers, including Internet Explorer 5.01 and above, Firefox 1.0 and above, Google Chrome (all versions)‚ Apple Safari 1.2 and above‚ Opera 6.1. and above and many others.

Key Size

The UTN and AddTrust Root Certificates employ 2048-bit keys.

Comodo CA Rootkeys


Web BrowsersExtended Validation BrowsersServer PlatformsServer Platforms (Cont.)Application Suites:Email Clients (S/MIME)Mobile Devices / PDAs / Micro Browsers / Games ConsolesMobile Devices (Cont.)Document Security Platforms:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 +ApacheMicrosoft IISMicrosoft AuthenticodeMicrosoft Outlook 9.0 +Android 1.5 +Netfront Browser 3.0 +Microsoft Office(Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access,InfoPath)
Mozilla Firefox 1.0 +Opera 9.5 +BEA WeblogicMicrosoft ISAVisual Basic for Applications (VBA)Microsoft Entourage (OS/X)iOS 1.0 +KDDI Openwave +
Mozilla 0.6 +Firefox 3 +C2Net StrongholdMicrosoft Live Communication ServerAdobe AIRMozilla Thunderbird 1.0 +Windows Phone 7 +Brew
Google ChromeApple Safari 3.2 +cPanel / Web Host ManagerMicrosoft SQL Server 2005Sun Java SE 1.4.2 +Microsoft Outlook Express 5 +Microsoft Windows Mobile 5/6Opera Mini 3.0 +
Konqueror (KDE)Google Chrome 1 +Ensim Control PanelNetscape Enterprise ServerMozilla Suite 1.0 +Qualcomm Eudora 6.2 +Blackberry 4.3.0 +Opera Mobile 6.0 +
Netscape 4.77 +HsphereNovell ConsoleOne + Novel WebserverSea MonkeyLotus Notes (6 +)Microsoft Windows CE 4.0NTT / DoCoMo
Opera 6.1 +IBM HTTP (Mac OS X)Microsoft IE Pocket PC 2003Sony Playstation Portable
Apple Safari 1.2 +iPlanet Server / Sun OneOracle HTTP ServerMicrosoft / Windows Mail 1.0 + (Vista)Microsoft IE Smartphone 2003Sony Playstation 3
Camino 1.0 +Java Web Server (Javasoft / Sun)PleskThe Bat 1 +Palm OS 5.0 +Nintendo Wii
AOL 5 +Lotus DominoTomcat
Zeus Web ServerWebmin